
- A network & a platform for sharing public performance art practices -

- A network & a platform for sharing public performance art practices -

outofsite_chi creates unexpected encounters in public spaces since 2011. We are committed to the expansion of joy as a spatial dynamic that can expand into public spaces and to communities through embodied practices. This website connects you to our community, our current work, and our archive of public performance art in Chicago and around the globe with Flow Festival.

 Coming next Sheryl Oring: I Wish to Say


I Wish to Say Tours,
Chicago During DNC

Artist Sheryl Oring has been typing postcards to the U.S. President since 2004

Chicago appearances in August

Monday, August 19, noon to 2 pm
Fine Arts Building, 410 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago

Tuesday, August 20, 11:30 am to 1 pm
Co-Prosperity, 3219 S. Morgan Street, Chicago

Tuesday August 20, 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago

Twenty years ago, artist Sheryl Oring embarked on a mission with a simple yet profound tool: a manual typewriter. Her project, I Wish to Say, invited people to express their thoughts directly to the U.S. president.

Out of Site Chicago brought Sheryl Oring’s I wish to Say to Chicago in 2015. This was President Barack Obama’s last year in office. For two days five typists listened and typed the messages from Chicago public to President Obama. We are delighted to facilitate the production of this edition of I wish to say at the Fine Arts Building at 410 S. Michigan Ave on August 19 from 12noon – 2pm.

 8 Acts of Love catalog

outofsite_chi just finished the catalog of 8 Acts of Love exhibition at University of Lincoln, U.K. This project began with a Shapiro Fellowship from School of the Art Institute of Chicago where Carron invited scholars and cultural theorists to write about outofsite_chi public performances in Chicago since 2011. Collaborating with Dr Alice Bell they have written an introductory text called Charter of Liberty that discusses the concepts of ‘acts’ in the exhibition in relation to the site and time.


Intercity 2023 was a project co-curated by Carron Little & ieke Trinks to experiment with creating live simultaneous performances in Chicago, U.S. & Rotterdam, Netherlands. We supported four Chicago artists to collaborate with four artists in Rotterdam.

This public performance happened on September 23 & 30, 2023 in two cities utilizing technology in innovative ways. This is twenty minute documentary of all the four performances created by Adrian Wood & Frans van Lent, Carlos Salazar-Lermont & Ratri Notosudirdjo, Regin Igloria & Kathrin Wolkowicz and Sarah Beth Woods & Contemporary Glory Contemporary Cash.

This performance project was supported by WORM Rotterdam, Chicago Park District, Experimental Sound Studio, Prince Bernhard Culture Fund and Mondrian Foundation and is a production of Out of Site Chicago and Performance Art Event.

Artist Focus

The last Artist Focus of 2023 was with Sandra Corrigan Breathnach discussing her socially engaged public performance art projects and practice in public spaces. We will be back in 2024 with some new dialogues and conversations.

Jelili Atiku, E Don Tey Wey We Dey, performance at the 3rd edition of FARaway, Festival des Arts, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne  Reims, France on Saturday February 11  2023. Photo credit Van Den Hende

We just finished two big projects, our annual symposium Flow • embody in site, and the Intercity project. Read all about our work on our Flow blog

Our supporters

We have been consistently supported by the generous Dr. Edward Orzac Foundation from 2016 - 2022. Along with the generous support of many individuals.


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